To place an order, please refer to the steps below
Please e-mail us at info@meenasfinefoods.com with the products you would like along with their quantities, your Billing/Shipping Addresses, contact telephone number and the date by which you would like to receive your order.
For each order the minimum order level is $100.00 Canadian.
We will respond to your e-mail with a quote for your order. Shipping and Handling is additional and is not included in our quotes. After receiving our quote, please call in with your credit card details (VISA/Mastercard) to confirm.
*We take extreme care in packing and shipping your order, but we want you to be aware that breakages may occur during transit due to handling by the carrier or customs inspection that are beyond our control. Unfortunately due to this, we are not able to take responsibility for breakages.
​For catering orders, please e-mail us the date of your function, the number of expected guests, and the items you would like to include in your menu. One of our representatives will schedule a phone meeting with you to discuss your order.
*Please note that for larger snack/sweet/bakshanam and catering orders, orders must be placed and confirmed at least 4 weeks before the date you wish to receive the items.
We use the services of well-known carriers, such as FedEx Ground, to ship your order. Delivery of your order by the carrier depends on many factors, including weather conditions, road conditions etc. We cannot guarantee delivery on a particular date or at a particular time on a particular date. We will ship your order such that it reaches a few days before the date you wish to receive it, in order to make sure it reaches you well in time for your function.
Our facility is not allergen free, as we process nuts, coconut, wheat, milk, etc.